If you are writing lots of blog posts, you must understand the objective of a successful blog post, otherwise you might miss opportunities to make more sales, which is ultimately what it is all about. See my post “What is the purpose of a business blog” for more details on this.
So, now that you know the purpose of a business blog is to attract ideal prospects to your website, what should you ask them to do when they arrive there?
The Only Objective Of A Successful Blog Post Is….
The only objective of a successful blog post is to get the visitor to download an ‘item of value’ in exchange for their email address.
If you do not do this, you have missed the opportunity to land future sales of your products or services.
If you think about this in more detail by reference to your own search history, you only normally arrive at a blog post when you are looking for an answer to a question.
That question is usually answered by someone who is an expert in the field that you are looking for answers to.
When they do their job well, you arrive at their site, they answer your initial question but then they also offer you an ‘item of value’ in exchange for your email address for them to discover more.
This ‘item of value’ might be an email course, or a video course, or an ebook, but it is something that they offer you so that you can discover more about the topic that you are currently researching.
Take this blog post as an example. You no doubt arrived here because you are searching to discover what makes a successful blog post. You have now landed here and have a good idea what this entails, but wouldn’t you like to know more about blogging and how to make money from blogging?
If the answer is yes, you should now click the button below to access my 7 day mini course:
I have put into action there precisely what I have shared with you in this blog. The reason I have done this is because I only teach you what I know works in practice for my own successful blog.
Sign up and let me show you precisely how to make money blogging.