How Much Should Business Owners Spend On Google Ads Each Month?

How much do you have to spend on Google Ads each month to generate a good flow of new client enquiries?

When it comes to how much you should be spending money on Google Ads to make your telephone ring with new client enquiries, there is quite a variety of answers, but don’t worry, I am not going to swerve the question, I just want to give you some side questions first.

If you only want to generate a handful of enquiries for one person, then the answer can be as little as a few hundred pounds.

A few hundred pounds can generate a handful of enquiries leading to a couple of new clients.
If each new client is worth £1,000 to you, then the most important side question is answered; does Google Ads provide a return on investment? In this case, yes.

Google Ads should ALWAYS provide a return on investment. My starting point is a three to one return on investment for my clients, but often it goes past the ten to one point, then it becomes much more fun.

Google Ads should provide at least a 3:1 return on investment for business owners



If you want to promote a couple of your services for two or three people, then the investment needs to rise in line with this, so is likely to head towards £1,000 per month as your budget, so that you can generate enough visitors for each of the services.

If I hear this from a business owner: “I tried Google Ads and it didn’t work!”, then I know that generally, that business owner did not spend enough money to generate enough clicks to your website (I find the late 100’s to 200 clicks per month is the tipping point) then it is unlikely you will receive a consistent volume of enquiries.

If you are generating this volume of clicks but not receiving enough enquiries, then these are the likely reasons for this:

  1. You are targeting the wrong keywords (the phrases people type into Google to find your services); or
  2. The page you are sending people to on your website is not good enough, for example, it doesn’t answer the questions that your prospects are asking and it doesn’t include the following:
    • An early review of your services in the content in the centre on the page;
    • An early call to action telling people to call you (with the telephone number linked so that they can click it if they are on your website on their mobile phone which more than 50% of your visitors will be). It is a mistake to believe that your visitor will go to your contact page or scroll to the very top or bottom of your page to find your telephone number; you have to make it easy for them.
    • A link to your enquiry form on its own page (not the contact page which has too many distractions). Again, I can tell you from testing that if you have an enquiry form on the right hand side of your page you still need to link to it on a separate page in your call to actions; it will generate more enquiries for your services.

As a small business marketing consultant and a specialist PPC Consultant, I have reviewed hundreds of Google Ads campaigns and it is always these reasons which prevent someone from generating a return on investment (if they are spending enough on Google Ads each month in the first place).

Returning to that point, if you want to generate a substantial volume of enquiries for a service to feed a big team, you need to increase the budget to a few thousand pounds.

The amount you must spend on Google Ads to generate a return on investment can range from a few hundred pounds to a thousand, £10,000 or even over £100,000 per month. I have run campaigns for clients at all of these levels and done so very profitably.

It really just comes down to how many mouths you have to feed.

More mouths = more budget required to feed them.

If you would like to discover more about my Google Ads management or mentoring services, simply download my Google Ads Brochure by clicking the button below:

To Download The Google Ads Brochure – Click Here:>>