Mastermind Course

Looking for a Mastermind Course? More specifically, looking for a mastermind course online?

Mastermind CoursesIf you have decided to run your own mastermind group, you have made a very smart decision.

Now, you no doubt want to make it the best mastermind group possible, so are looking around for a mastermind course to show you how to do this.

The key question is, what should you look for in a mastermind course to ensure that your dreams of masterminding become reality?

Mastermind Course Online Or Offline?

Whereas this used to be a more complex question to answer before the Pandemic in 2020, it seems much easier to answer now.

More often than not, you will find that mastermind courses are run online.

Often these courses lend themselves to being run by self study, with the future mastermind group owner learning at their own pace. If you think about it, this makes complete sense, as if they plan to run a mastermind group themselves, they feel they already have enough to offer to mentor many people around them.

If you put several potential masterminds into a group setting, it could not only lengthen the time to complete the course, as each person has their own very precise view of what they want to do and how to do it and wishes to air those views, but it could also lead to confusion for some of the attendees who were not so sure on their plans and actually derail their mastermind dreams.

Generally, most mastermind courses are run online for these reasons.

The next key consideration is what should a mastermind course cover in the training?

What Should Your Mastermind Course Cover?

In short, mastermind courses are designed to do one thing:

Take from you from being a wannabe mastermind group owner to running your first mastermind group, so they have to cover everything required to achieve that, save for the topic of your expertise of course, which will vary based on the mastermind group owners background.


So a mastermind course has to cover all that you need to do to make this happen.

This will include:

  • How to plan your sales campaign to fill your mastermind group.
  • How to name your mastermind group for maximum impact.
  • Marketing your mastermind group, including email content ideas.
  • The sales process – from someone showing interest to signing up fo the mastermind group.
  • The format of the mastermind group – online or offline.
  • The pricing of your mastermind group.
  • The timings of the actual day, from start to finish, including the best way to run each mastermind group session.
  • How to facilitate your group to ensure maximum engagement and learning opportunities for all of your attendees.
  • What you MUST do inbetween sessions to ensure your attendees stay motivated, keen and sign up for year two and beyond…

A mastermind course should take you from your seed of an idea to that idea becoming a fully paid up mastermind group full of attendees eager to learn and develop, and to be inspired by you.

Next steps?

If you want to know all of the steps covered in setting up your own mastermind group, download my Mastermind Group Checklist now, and let’s get your mastermind started!

Your Mastermind Group Launch Checklist – Click Here Now:>>