PR Coverage

As a small business marketing consultant, I am always pleased to be asked to comment on topical issues effecting small businesses, the legal world owing to my former life as a solicitor and all matters relating to marketing.

I have always appreciated the value of PR for any business, so always value the times that I am quoted.

I News

This piece referred to the fact that during quieter economic periods business owners when money is tighter, business owners are more likely to sue suppliers and make claims for debt recovery than during better economic times.
Nick Jervis Marketing Consultant Featured In I News

Daily Express

In this feature relating to Lasting Powers Of Attorney and the Court Of Protection I was asked to comment on a situation where someone without capacity was gambling away their money whilst the parents, holding a Lasting Power of Attorney, were helpless to stop the situation. Solicitors Near Me UK is my website which connects members of the public and businesses with specialist solicitors free of charge.

Nick Jervis Small Business Marketing Consultant Featured In Daily Express