Is your Google Chrome Maximise button greyed out and not working? Annoying, isnt it? Here I show you how to maximise Google Chrome browser by making a very quick change to your Google Chrome settings. Yes, you can fix your Google Chrome Maximise button in about 60 seconds from now!
How To Maximise Google Chrome Browser
Watch this short video to see how to fix your Google Chrome Maximise button, or read the steps below:
Step 1 Fixing Google Chrome Maximise
Copy and paste chrome://flags into another browser tab and search to see all of your Google Chrome Flags.
Step 2 Fixing Google Chrome Maximise
Once you can see all of the Google Chrome flags, in the search bar on the page at the top, you will find your cursor already hovering in the box saying “Search flags”.
Copy and paste touch ui layout into this box and you will be presented with the following:
Step 3 Fixing Google Chrome Maximise
Click on the button circled in the image above, which is usually set to ‘Default’ when you find it, and do the following:
- Select ‘disabled’ by number 1, then
- Click the ‘Relaunch’ button next to number 2
Step 4 Fixing Google Chrome Maximise
After Google Chrome relaunches, you should find that you can now once again click on the maximise Google Chrome box to your heart’s content, ad infinitum!
Enjoy 🙂