How To Google Search Your Own Website For Free

How To Google Search Your Own Website For Free. Watch This Very Short Video To See How To Quickly Search Your Own Website For Free.

So if you want to search your own website, Google has a great tool which allows you to do this really simply and really easily.

Step 1 – Google Search Your Own Website

You head to Google, you type in Google Advanced Search, then click on the Google Link where you will see this screen:

How To Google Search Your Own Website

Step 2 – Google Search Your Own Website

Enter your domain name in the box above where you see, then put in what you are searching for in the box at the top.

I look for my “item of value“, which brings in really good leads. Type that in, and then it will list every page on your website which mentions the “item of value” or whatever you are searching for.

Now, if you look at the top here, if you want to save the formula, you can just put your site, colon site, URL, and then in quotes the phrase that you want to find and you can save going for Google Advanced search, just like this:

Exact phrase search (term in quotes): “item of value”

Any word search: item of value

But to be honest, by the time I’ve typed that, I’ll just do a Google advanced search and come back here to start the process again.

Step 3 – Why Use Google Search To Search Your Own Website

There are many reasons that you might need to Google search your own website, including:

  • If you put financial information on your website, sometimes that needs updating, so you can search by pound or dollar sign to find any mentions of an amount.
  • If you want to find PDF documents on your own or a competitor’s website, you can search by “type of document”
  • If you know that you have written a blog that you want to share with someone, but cannot remember the URL, you can search for the title.

Google Searching your own website is an incredibly useful tool, and now you know how to use it.