How To Make Money Blogging UK

Are you looking to start a blog or to monetise an existing blog. In this How To Make Money Blogging UK guide, I share with you the variety of ways that you can make money by blogging.

How To Make Money Blogging UKIs there anything better than passive income? Who doesn’t want to go to bed and wake up the next morning to discover that they made £50, £500 or £5,000 from their blog? I know I do, which is why I spend so much of my time blogging, writing articles, improving my website and communicating with my subscribers.

For my 7 day mini course on how to make money blogging, with some of my best affiliate sales, please click the button below:


How To Make Money Blogging 7 Day Mini Course – Click to sign up now:>>

However, on that note, let me start off by giving you the most crucial advice, without which your journey into profitable blogging is bound to fail.


Blog about something you genuinely love/ have a passion for.

Nick Jervis On How To Make Money Blogging UK
Nick Jervis On
How To Make Money Blogging UK

My name is Nick Jervis and I run a marketing consultancy business (and have done so since 2003). I spend a lot of time working on and in my business, which includes a lot of blogging time. I could not do this if I were not genuinely interested (obsessed you, might hear if you ask my friends and family) about two things:

  1. Marketing. Especially the type of marketing that I teach my clients: ‘easy life client attraction’, where their ideal clients find them at the precise moment in time that they are looking for their services; and
  2. Helping my clients to grow their businesses fast.

I am not going to tell you that you can start a blog today, sit back and wait for the money to roll in. Sadly, it does not work like that.

You need to be consistent and persistent to make a blog work, so if you think blogging is easy money, then it probably isn’t the right thing for you to do.

The easy money will definitely come if you follow a consistent plan, but you have to put in the hard work first.

If you are happy with this, and you have a topic already which you know and love, then you are ready to move onto the next part; discovering how to make money blogging in the UK!

How To Make Money Blogging UK

Let’s look at your variety of options for how to make money blogging. I will cover the biggest earners and the easiest ones to get into for you.

1. Google Adsense

This is probably the most common and a long established model.

You have a blogging website, it attracts people interested in the content to it, so you display advertisements from Google’s Ad Network on your website, and if someone clicks on these advertisements, you share the revenue that Google generates from the advertiser.

Some people make a few pounds each month, some hundreds of pounds and others, if they have thousands of website visitors can make thousands of pounds.

However, if you can generate thousands of visitors to your website, you will probably find more profitable ways to make money from them as I will show you below.

2. Amazon

Next in the most easy to set up and get going is the Amazon Partner programme. This works slightly different from the Adsense programme, in that you are not paid for clicks, but instead for any sales that are made on Amazon once someone clicks through on one of your special links to the Amazon website.

Let me give you an example of the unexpected wins you can gain from being a member of the Amazon Partner programme.

Let’s just say, that like me, you are a small business marketing consultant, so you talk about marketing, a lot (I do ;)).

You decide to put up a page on your website of all of the marketing books that you rate highly and write a few words about each of the books and why you like them so much.

At the bottom of each marketing book review, you add an Amazon Partner link to look at the book on Amazon (very easy to do as Amazon kindly gives you your special link when you are looking at items on the main Amazon website).

Someone clicks through on that link and not only buys the book, making you a commission of a few pence, but also buys a new laptop. You earn commission on the book AND the laptop.

The thing is that we all know that this is precisely what happens when you head to Amazon. You rarely just buy one thing as Amazon are so good at cross selling and upselling to their visitors.

You make more money from Amazon’s marketing skills.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Next, if you are getting good traffic to your website, there is probably more money for you to make by doing affiliate marketing.

This is where you recommend a product and as an affiliate (a recommender of software or products), you receive a commission for any sales that you generate for the seller.

The good thing about affiliate marketing is that the commissions can be very favourable (up to 50%) and often, if you are recommending software, the affiliate pays you every month that the person you recommend stays a customer.

This means that you can very quickly build a solid, repeatable and increasing affiliate income.

My best affiliate at the moment pays me around £2-3,000 per month. I have others that are a few hundred pounds a month.

Affiliate marketing is a very good way to build a passive income.

In fact, it is the most hands-off way to build a passive income once you have any decent volume of people on your email list.

Email list?

Something most people don’t realise when looking at ways to make money blogging, particularly when it comes to affiliate marketing, is that most of your affiliate sales will come from your email marketing list.

People will find your website, download your ‘item of value’ that you offer in exchange for their email address and it is from your weekly or monthly follow up emails, where you dive into more detail about your affiliate items and build more trust with your readership that you start to make your consistent affiliate sales.

If you are serious about making money from your blog by using affiliate marketing, or any of the following methods below, you absolutely must have an email marketing list up and running (very easy to do).

The easiest way to do this is to sign up for my free guide below and see how I put what I am telling you to do into practice in my own business. There is no better way to learn than show and tell!

Free Training – Email Marketing Mastery – Click Here Now:>>

4. Your own trainings

Once you have decent traffic to your blog and have grown your email list (you do have that email list, don’t you – if not click the box above and get it up and running), you can create your own training and sell this to your readers.

If you have started making money from blogging, you might sell them a training showing them precisely how you have done this.

If you have expertise is in other areas, you might sell a training on that topic.

For example, because I cover all things marketing, and one good way for the owners of businesses to generate more clients is via referrals, I offer a paid LinkedIn Training showing people how to set up the perfect profile, then how to connect with ideal clients or referral partners and how to post weekly, all in under 5 minutes a day, to generate more clients.

You can click here to see this LinkedIn Training Guide:>>

5. Launch your own Membership Website

Once you really know your onions (other vegetables are available) you can launch your own membership site for your readership (again, note readership – you really MUST have that email list).

A membership site allows you to share your expertise with your audience on an ongoing basis. They pay a monthly fee and receive access to all of your specialist training.

Membership sites are one of the best ways to make money from blogging, because rather than receiving a share of a sale, such as with affiliate income, you receive all of the income from each sale.

Now it is last on my list for a reason, in that it takes time to be ready to do this, but when it comes to generating income it is usually first on people’s list of making money from blogging.

I have two membership website and a variety of one off products which are all sold by people arriving at my blog, signing up for my emails and then me consistently emailing them.

I never hard sell anything, I just give my clients useful training on topics that I know they are interested in, then I offer them ways to get more in-depth training by joining my Membership training.

All of the details for how you do that are in the email training above.

If you would like to learn more about how to make money blogging, simply click the button below:


How To Make Money Blogging 7 Day Mini Course – Click to sign up now:>>
If you sign up for the guide, you will also receive my email address which you can reply to and I will personally answer any questions you have about making money from blogging, or any marketing or business questions.


How To Make Money Blogging UK