How To Get More Prospects To Your Website. SEO For Service Businesses

The perennial business owners’ question isn’t it? How do I get more traffic to my website? How to I get more of my perfect prospects to my website so that they can discover more about my services?

You know you are good at the service that you provide, so if more people who are looking for your service find your website, you will receive more enquiries for your services and you will generate more clients.


However, it’s not quite as simple as it used to be, because our friends at Google changed the rules, again and again and again, making it now much harder to get more traffic to your website without spending a small fortune.

How Do I Get More People To My Website – The Old Rules

It used to be possible to get more traffic to your website by doing the following:

  • Write a new, unique article;
  • Add it to your website;
  • Submit it to article and press release websites, linking back to your website with the keywords that you were targeting; and
  • Rinse and repeat this process on a weekly basis.

Sadly (probably sensibly to be fair) Google decided that this was ‘playing the game’, so suddenly all of those links were overnight devalued and actually labeled as harmful.

People who until then had got more people to their website using this method practically overnight lost this traffic. Ouch!

However, you can still achieve some results, but it does take more effort and usually more time.

Google will still reward website owners who had quality content to their website answering the questions that their prospects ask.

How Do I Get More Traffic To My Website – The New Rules

  • Write quality content for your website (the longer the better but ideally 2-4000 word articles
  • Target much longer keywords for each new page. Whereas you used to be able to target one or two word phrases and achieve results, now all of these results are given to not for profit businesses by and large. So you need to target much longer search terms, such as “How do I get more traffic to my website?”
  • When you add new content, post links to your new content on all of your social media channels, proving to Google that you are a real business.
  • Rinse and repeat on a weekly basis.

The results will not be as quick or as powerful, because you are now targeting much longer search phrases which by and large will have much lower search volumes, but they will build in time.

The good news about this new process is that most of your competition will not bother to do it. Will you?

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