Marketing For Consultants – How To Win Consultancy Clients

Marketing For Consultants - How To Win Consultancy Clients
Nick Jervis. Fast Growth Adviser to Consultants

Do you run a consultancy business? Would you like to know how I found enough consulting clients to grow my six figure consultancy business so that you can copy my plan and grow your own consultancy business; fast?

Would you like to know how to set up systems that get you new consultancy clients, allowing you to spend your time working with your existing clients to get the best results possible for them?

Would you like to know how to set up these marketing systems so that you ideal clients find you as opposed to you having to constantly hunt around to find your next consulting clients?

If you answered yes to any of these statements, I am confident that I can help you.

Why do I want to do this?

I run a consultancy business. I have done since 2003. Although I have always done reasonably well, it wasn’t until I fine tuned every aspect of marketing my consultancy business that things really took off.

It wasn’t until I tried and tested every marketing method available to work out which ones would and more importantly which ones wouldn’t work in terms of growing my consulting business that I refined my marketing systems to bring me as many consultancy clients as I wanted on tap that things became easy for me.

What frustrated me during this entire process was that there was nobody able to provide me with the shortcuts. I followed plenty of people hard selling me their way to get clients for my consultancy business, but they were all ultimately just selling one method to do this, from facebook marketing to LinkedIn. However, none of them had really cracked it, they were just keen to sell their training products.

Being a marketing man, I approached this from the “How can I be put in front of my perfect consultancy clients at the precise moment in time that they are looking to buy my services?”.

I can tell you something, the answer is certainly not “Bombarding everyone on facebook who might have a vague interest in what I do.”.

Nothing frustrates me more than when I speak with other consultants who tell me how hard they find it to attract new consulting clients and how much money and time they have wasted on ineffective marketing such as facebook, networking and exhibitions.

Therefore, once I had cracked the system, I vowed to save other consultants from wasting years perfecting it.

If you would like to know:

  • The only four marketing methods that consultants will ever need (even with only two of them in place you should have enough clients for all of your needs):
  • How to tell whether a marketing tactic will or won’t work for selling your consulting services; and
  • The system that I use to market my own business and deliver prospects ready to work with me on tap,

then all that you need to do is download the free guide that I have written for you, the Six Figure Consultancy Guide.

Simply click the button below to download it now:


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