How Consultants And Coaches Attract Their Ideal Clients. As a consultant, I can tell you, that there is no better feeling than having your calendar filled with your ideal prospects who are eager to discover more about working with you.
When I first started my business in 2003 (grey hairs to prove it) it wasn’t like that for me.
However, within a few years, I always have had a good number of prospects waiting to talk with me and, more importantly, booking themselves into my diary to do so.
I wouldn’t have believed that was possible then, but I wouldn’t live without it now.
Which is why when I speak with some consultants and coaches now, I am staggered when they do not have this system in place at all.
They either ask a visitor to call them or email them from their website, or they go straight from a cold prospect arriving at their website to trying to get them to book in for an appointment.
That doesn’t work, or if it does, it works about 90% worse than the ideal system.
You have to prove your expertise before someone will book a call with you, and you cannot do that with the 60-90 seconds you have when someone visits your website.
The ideal system for filling your diary with prospects eager to discover more about working with you is this one:
- Write articles on your website that answer questions your ideal clients type into Google. For me, this relates usually to “how to get more clients for a xxx”.
- On each of those articles, offer an ‘item of value’ such as a PDF book, short email course or access to a webinar in exchange for their email address. You can read more about ‘items of value’ here:
- Email your prospects every single week, without fail, providing valuable information that answers your prospects questions, proving your expertise, then at the end of that email offer a strategy call with you.
- Include in that email the link to your online diary, embedded into your website, using the software that I use or similar – Acuity
Most consultants give up too soon, before this works consistently, which it will if followed week in, week out, without fail.
It is what has built my six figure plus consultancy business.
Are you using it to build yours?